Puppy Training Course: Techniques Used to Train Your Puppy

A puppy training course is the first step in having a well-behaved dog. Therefore, it is essential that you find a course that uses techniques that are based on positive reinforcement, so your puppy will be motivated to learn. Below are further details of the techniques used during puppy training. 

Clicker training

One of the most popular methods used in puppy training courses is clicker training. Clicker training uses a device called a clicker. The clicker makes a sound that will grab your pup's attention and let them know they are behaving as you want them to. Every time your pup completes the desired behaviour, you click the clicker and give them a treat. They quickly learn that the clicker's sound means they get a treat and will start associating the desired behaviour with the clicker sound. Clicker training is an effective way to train your pup because it is quick, easy and fun for both you and your puppy.


Another common technique used in puppy training courses is shaping. Shaping is when you reinforce your puppy to get closer and closer to the desired behaviour. For example, if you are trying to teach your puppy to sit, you would start by rewarding them for standing still. As they get better at standing still, you would then start only rewarding them when their hind end starts to lower towards the ground. Once they are consistently lowering their hind end, you would then only reinforce them when their bottom actually makes contact with the ground. Through this process of reinforcement, your pup will eventually learn the desired behaviour of sitting on command. Shaping is an effective way to train your pup because it allows you to break down complex behaviours into small manageable steps.


Finally, another popular technique used in many puppy training courses is luring. Luring involves holding a treat close to your pup's nose and moving it back, so they have to follow it with their whole body until they are in the desired position. For example, if you were teaching your pup how to sit using luring, you would hold a treat close to its nose and move it back over its head until they naturally lower its hind end into a sitting position. Luring is an effective way of training because it can be used for many different behaviours, including sitting, lying down, standing, coming when called and more.

If you would like to find out more, contact a puppy training course today.
