Summer Is Almost Here: How to Keep Your Pets Happy and Healthy

Summer will be here before you know it. Now's the time to get your pets ready for warmer weather. Summer weather can make your pets downright uncomfortable. But, summer weather can also pose serious health risks for your pets. One way to protect your pets this summer is to schedule routine veterinary visits. If you're not sure how veterinary visits can safeguard your pets this summer, read the list below. Here are four reasons to take your pets to the vet

Protect Against Fleas and Ticks

If your pets spend a lot of time outside during the summer, you need to worry about fleas and ticks. Fleas and ticks can pose serious risks for your pets. That's where veterinary care comes into the picture. A veterinarian can prescribe medication to help keep fleas and ticks away. Plus, if your pets do get sick from flea or tick bites, a veterinarian can provide the treatment they need. 

Watch for Seasonal Allergies

Now that summer is almost here, it's time to start watching for seasonal allergies. You might not realise it, but allergies don't only affect humans. Pets can suffer from allergies too. That's especially true during the spring and summer months. Increased moisture can lead to mould and mildew allergies. Pollen and household dust mites can also increase the risk of allergy symptoms. If you're concerned that your pets suffer from seasonal allergies, it's time to visit their veterinarian. A vet can give your pets the medication they need to control their seasonal allergy symptoms. 

Prevent Summer Illnesses

With the temperatures warming up, you need to worry about heat-related illnesses. Your pets can be at risk for a variety of heat-related illnesses, especially if they spend a lot of time outside or if they spend time in an area that's not air-conditioned. Heat stroke is one condition that can affect your pets during the summer. Heat stroke can cause lethargy, muscle tremors and weakness. If your pets develop any of those symptoms, get them to a veterinarian as soon as you can. 

Ensure Health and Safety

If you want to protect your pets this summer, now's the time to think about their health and safety. Start by keeping your pets groomed this summer. If your pets have long hair, have the groomers give them a haircut. It's also important that you provide your pets with plenty of cool water throughout the summer.
